Saturday, June 4, 2005

Acrobat 7.0 crash and solution

I have been trying to identify and solve a problem with Adobe Acrobat 7.0.
Here's the story...
When starting Acrobat several dialog boxes comes up saying:
'There was an error while loading the plug-in ‘Accessibility.api’. The plug-in failed to initialize.'
Then it follows with these api files same message:

After that Acrobat crashes and says:
'Adobe Acrobat 7.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. '

The contents of the error report is:
AppName: acrobat.exe
ModVer: 7.10.3052.4
ModName: msvcr71.dll
Offset: 000017e1

I tried to reinstall and repair Acrobat. Manually deleting files and registry entries. I even reinstalled Windows XP. It worked for a while but at some point Acrobat got this problem. I tried to make a system restore but that didn't help.
I also searched the web for tips but found none that worked.
I called the Adobe technical support and they had no idea. They recommended to install the product with a local administrator user without being in the network domain. I tried that as well.

Finally I found that one in-house installation put AcroForm.api ( into the system32 folder. When I deleted that file Acrobat started to work as it should.

So if you too run into this make a search for misplaced acrobat files like the one I found. Adobe Reader 7.0 also got some problems because of this file.


  1. Restored comments

    Anonymous said...

    Your Acrobat problem caught my attention when doing a websearch as I am encountering the exact same Acrobat problem. The only acroform.api file is in the ACROBAT directory and even deleting that as Adobe suggests does not help the problem.
    I wish mine would have planted such a file in the SYSTEM32 folder, but no that did nOT happen.
    November 01, 2005
    JTB World said...

    I suggest that you search for all api files and then try to identify the one that seems to be missplaced.
    November 01, 2005
    Anonymous said...

    I have a similar problem. Tried your last recommendation i.e. to search for *.api and identify misplace ones. No luck with that. Have asked my administrator to look into it. Lets see if he has an idea. Else I might just reinstall Acrobat.
    December 05, 2005
    Anonymous said...

    Huh! ... guess what ... I just got rid of the .api file that was erroring out ... i.e. HTML2PDF.api ... renamed it as "HTML2PDF.api.BAD" ... and Acrobat doesnt try to load it any more and hence doesnt show the error ... and now it works fine ... although I might've lost the capability to convert HTML docs to PDF ... but I dont really care ...
    December 05, 2005
    Anonymous said...

    Here's an even better idea. I had a problem with Acrobat 6.0 Standard after I installed and uninstalled Adobe 7.0 (Reader). Whenever I then tried to open Acrobat Standard I kept getting the alert that html2pdf.api could not be found.

    First I tried renaming the api file as another correspondent suggested, but they were correct: I could then no longer create pdfs from html files. Unacceptable. So I went to the Adobe site and found that by deleting ALL the files and folders in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\plug_ins, and then running repair mode (From the Acrobat 6.0 app window, Help > Detenct and Repair), Acrobat replaced the missing files in the plug-ins folder, and they were properly working versions. My problem is now gone, and Acrobat is fully functional again.
    March 15, 2006
    Anonymous said...

    I did this last night: delete all files in forder Plug_ins, and then reinstall the Adobe 7.0 using repair mode. So far, it's good and works very well.
    March 29, 2006
    Anonymous said...

    Solution is perfedct, though I found that deleting only the problem .api file, (pdf2web.api in this case)and then running the Detect and Repair util. works just as well. The geek in me wanted to see what would happen. :^
    March 29, 2006
    Ted Fritchlee said...

    Renaming or deleting the file does stop the error message. Thanks - it was very annoying. TI believe this started happening after I upgraded from v6 to v7. The location of the file was: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\HTML2PDF.api
    July 27, 2006
    Anonymous said...

    Why go through all that trouble of finding the .api's. I just unistalled adobe, renamed the old folder where it resided (just in case I might need it later), and re-install adobe 7.0. That fixed it. I always like the KISS method.
    October 21, 2006
    Anonymous said...

    Thanks guys. I had the accessibility.api problem too. Went to the plug-in folder and deleted all the api's then repaired the Acrobat 7 installation - works like a charm now.
    December 10, 2006
    Anonymous said...

    I started having this problem this morning with Acrobat 6.0.6. I get the following two error messages stating that the plug-in (HTML2PDF.api and PPKLite.api) failed to initialize.

    I am using Acrobat 6.0.6 on a W2K system with 512 MB RAM. I had not had any problems with creating PDF until after I installed FoxIT on 1-23-07 as my PDF reader, so that I could avoid the hacker vulnerabiities in version 6, since Adobe is no longer updating version 6.

    I even went to the Add-Remove programs area to uninstall FoxIt and it is not even listed.

    I checked the APIs in the programs area and they are all dated 2003. So I decided to do a search on the specific problem APIs.

    Well, here is what I found:

    HTML2PDF.api size 1,561 KB installed May 2003

    HTML2PDF.api BAK size 1,581 KB installed December 2004

    PPKLite.api size 1,933 November 2003

    PPKLite.api BAK size 1,933 November 2003

    PPKLite had the exact same date for both the original and the BAK files.

    Does that mean that my problem is with the HTML2PDF.api plug-in?
    March 09, 2007
    JTB World said...

    Regarind the problems with HTML2PDF.api and PPKLite.api you can try to just rename them to .old instead of .api and see if that helps. You might not need those API's anyway.
    March 09, 2007
    Anonymous said...

    I was having a similar problem with Adobe 6.0. It was crashing when I would attempt to load a pdf, stating that the problem was with acroform.api. I removed acroform.api and then it would give me the errors with the other api files. If I removed all the offending api files, the error would go away, but I would lose the functionality from those api files. Repairing the api files or reinstalling did not resolve the issue I was having. I found the problem to be with c:\documents and settings\username\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\6.0\AcroForm\MRUFormsList. I deleted that file and then was able to open pdf files without error.
    August 27, 2007
    Anonymous said...

    I have Acrobat 6.0 and was getting the message: "There was an error while loading the plug-in 'HTML2PDF.api'. The plug-in failed to initialize." I found this fix for 7.0 on the Adobe site (and it worked beautifully):
    June 03, 2008
    Anonymous said...

    the delete , detect and repare solution worked perfectly and took 5 minutes. can be concidered KISS.
    June 10, 2008
    Kaos said...

    Fixed Adobe Acrobat Standard v6.0.6 with errors loading html2pdf.api ppklite.api by:
    1) Renaming html2pdf.api to
    2) Renaming ppklite.api to
    3) Copying html2pdf602.bak to html2pdf.api (using html2pdf.api.604.bak did not work)
    4) Copying ppklite.api.604.bak to ppklite.api

    Suspect error may have been introduced after downloading Acrobat Reader 8 but am not willing to spend time investigating further!
    July 19, 2008

  2. worked for me!


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