Thursday, January 7, 2010

AutoCAD Automation Tools 3.3 released

AutoCAD Automation Tools has been updated to version 3.3 and the most recent updates are:

  • Minor fixes to improve export from Excel to better handling the typical Excel problem with empty rows at the bottom of a sheet.
  • Minor fixes that for some users might make the commands not working at all.

This means that if you have version 3.1 and experience no problem there is no real need to upgrade. But if you just have installed 3.1 and not used it, consider to get version 3.3 instead.

Existing customers have access to this upgrade at no cost. Contact us to get it.

Others that want to give AutoCAD Automation Tools a try can download a trial directly from the website. Give it a try and see how you can avoid a lot of tedious manual work when you need to update a lot of drawings. Use familiar Excel where you enter the needed data in one of the three templates and you can create new drawings, update existing drawings or insert new objects on existing drawings. Edit title blocks or other blocks, most of your needs can be solved.

AutoCAD Automation Tools works with most every AutoCAD based application and version and for Bricscad 10 there is the CAD Automation Tools.

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