Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SSMPropEditor 4.2 released

SSMPropEditor version 4.2 is now available with more features to automate AutoCAD Sheet Sheet Manager.

Here are the news:

  • Added more abilities to control the paths to sheets. This affects renaming of sheet paths and also makes it possible to correct performance issues due to non existing paths. This is activated with the new Added Options>”Show found path” and “Advanced: Show internal paths”.
  • Improved the tree view control that lists the sheets so it retains selection after applying changes.
  • A no-installer download is also available making possible to run SSMPropEditor without the need run any installation in the first place. Great for the thumb drive or portable drive or network location.
  • Several bug fixes.

Update and correct non-existing paths to improve performance of AutoCAD SSM.

Here is what a user just emailed: “The new feature where you can change the pathing for the drawings has already saved us.”

SSMPropEditor makes it possible to select one, many or all sheets in a sheet set and update all properties at once, something that cannot be done with the Sheet Set Manager. Even if the revisions are different they can easily be incremented automatically to the next revision number or the Sheet numbers can be renumbered as well.

Contact us to get a time limited license file for free or purchase with a price per license of only 25 EUR or less depending on the total number of licenses purchased.

SSMPropEditor paid for itself on its first use

Slow Sheet Set Manager solution

More about SSMPropEditor including downloads.

Existing customers are entitled to this upgrade at no extra fee. Just install the new version.


  1. The idea of hosting SSMPropEditor on a thumb drive is genius - good shout Jimmy!

  2. This program is great. Keeps getting better. Can't wait for the day that I can manage sheet views as well. Not sure if that would be possible though.


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