Monday, November 25, 2013

Autodesk support for Windows XP ends in 2014 and other Autodesk news

Here’s some recent news from Autodesk:

Autodesk Community has been updated. Check it out the new look.

123D Catch 2.0 for iOS makes 3D photography and model creation epically better.
Guided capture tools give you dynamic feedback as you take your photos.
The new gallery provides a streaming showcase of captures from around the world.
And underneath the hood is an entirely new pipeline that makes better, faster, more amazing 3D models. More here.

Microsoft Windows XP support for AutoCAD products FAQ - GS22683753
Autodesk support for the Microsoft Windows XP operating system ends on January 1, 2014 for all new and upgraded versions of AutoCAD products released in 2014 and later. Versions of AutoCAD products (AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD MEP) released prior to January 1, 2014 will continue to be supported on the Windows XP operating system.

The Revit 2014 Daylighting Analysis (RDA) plug-in uses the Autodesk 360 Rendering cloud service to perform very fast and physically accurate daylighting analyses from within Revit. More here.

Hotfix - Autodesk Inventor 2014 (Polish only) Flat pattern text parameters missing - DL22712527

Revit LT 2014 Update Release 2 - DL22607186

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DWG Columns 2.0 now with DXF support

DWG Columns by JTB World has been updated to version 2.0.

The main news is the support for DXF files. DXF version 2004 and newer can hold drawing properties and are supported. Older DXF versions will only show the drawing version. Both ASCII and binary DXF files are supported.

InfoTip/ToolTip can also be seen when hovering over a DWG or DXF (even for BAK, DWT, DWS, SW$ files).

The Details Pane in Explorer will also show the properties.

Finally a 30-day trial has been made available so you can try DWG Columns with full functionality in your environment before purchasing.

DWG Columns works with DWG and DXF files edited or created with applications like AutoCAD, Dassault Systemes DraftSight, Caddie, progeCAD, Bricsys BricsCAD, IMSI TurboCAD, GRAPHISOFT ArchiCAD, nanoCAD, MicroStation, ZWCAD+ and others. In AutoCAD DWGPROPS command is used to edit the drawing properties.

Get the trial or purchase on the DWG Columns page.

See also our PROPULATE tutorial that shows how the properties can be updated based on title block data found in block attributes.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Autodesk updates and news like Smithsonian x3D Explorer

Hotfix - Inventor unexpectedly exits after updating to Windows 8.1 - DL22541232

AutoCAD 2013 for Mac Service Pack 2, This update resolves compatibility issues on the new Mac OS X Mavericks and more - DL22614738

AutoCAD LT 2013 for Mac Service Pack 2 - DL22617033

From the Press release: Autodesk and the Smithsonian today debuted the Smithsonian x3D Explorer, an interactive 3D educational tool accessible to anyone via the web. Autodesk built the tool exclusively for the Smithsonian to democratize access to prized specimens and to bring their stories to life. The public can now experience priceless objects digitized by the Smithsonian like never before, from seeing “behind the glass” to holding 3D printed replicas.

Here’s a detail from 1903 Wright Flyer:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

JTB Sheet Set Creator app for AutoCAD

JTB Sheet Set Creator is an add-in for AutoCAD from JTB World that creates new Sheet Sets and Sheets based on an Excel template. If you often create new Sheet Sets JTB Sheet Set Creator can save you a lot of time and efforts.

  • Sheet Set Properties can be populated.

  • Sheet Set Custom Properties can be defined, created and populated.

  • Sheet Properties can be populated.
  • Sheet Custom Properties can be defined, created and populated.

  • Sheets (drawings) can be defined, created and have their properties populated.

When ready the Sheet Set can be opened within AutoCAD.

Download trial and learn more about this app on the JTB Sheet Set Creator page. JTB Sheet Set Creator Trial can also be downloaded and installed as an app from the Autodesk Exchange Apps site.

JTB World also have these AutoCAD Sheet Set related apps. SSMPropEditor, DST converter and Sheet Set Manager Path Edit

If you are interested in other useful AutoCAD helper functions take a look at DigSigStamp, Batch Publish for AutoCAD, DimensionPatrol, TransTips or OffsetInXref.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Revit in a browser and other Autodesk news

Here’s some recent news from Autodesk:

  • Autodesk Provides 3D Design in a Browser via press release and with some comments by Shaan. Collaboration with Amazon Web Services, OTOY and NVIDIA Enables Developers to Access Powerful 3D Modeling from Anywhere, Anytime, with Any Device Using a Simple Web Browser. Even though the press release says it’s available now I don’t find it available yet to test.
  • Autodesk Vehicle Tracking Product Center is Autodesk’s Vehicle Tracking software based on AutoTrack that was acquired by Autodesk. It is a transportation analysis and design solution for vehicle swept path analysis that helps to predictably evaluate vehicle movements on transportation or site design projects.
  • Project Shapeshifter Now Available via Autodesk Labs. See this post.
  • Hotfix - Hebrew language is switching backward while printing and print preview - DL22524059
  • Update 3 for Inventor 2013 Service Pack 2 - DL22436649
  • Hotfix - Frame Generator length results are inaccurate - Inventor 2012 - DL22499412
  • Hotfix - OnPopulateFileMetadata suggests same name for different occurrences in Copy command - Inventor 2012 - DL22499409 

See also Revit 2014's Web Update Release 2 and other Autodesk updates

Thursday, November 7, 2013

DigSigStamp digital signatures stamp app for AutoCAD

JTB World’s DigSigStamp for AutoCAD allows you to specify a block that will change its display when plotted to indicate whether the drawing had a valid digital signature at the time of plotting.

The DigSigStamp AutoCAD plugin helps you identify visually when drawings have valid digital signatures. You use one of the plugin's commands to specify blocks to display when a drawing has a valid digital signature and when it does not. You then assign a particular block reference - which usually exists in the title block of your drawing - that will change its display to one of these two block definitions depending on the state of the drawing. The application even works when plotting, an operation that typically invalidates a drawing's digital signature.

The following are just examples of how the blocks can look like. The design of them is completely up to you. Digitally Signed example. This drawing has a valid digital certificate.

Invalid. This drawing does not have a valid digital certificate.

Unverified example. Digital signature verification application is not enabled.

DigSigStamp can be further customized by JTB World to fit your specific needs and requirements.

Download a trial and learn more on the DigSigStamp web page as well as on Autodesk Exchange Apps site.

If you are interested in other useful AutoCAD helper functions take a look at Batch Publish for AutoCAD, DimensionPatrol, TransTips or OffsetInXref.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Revit 2014's Web Update Release 2 and other Autodesk updates

Revit 2014's Web Update Release 2 is available.

Autodesk® Revit® Platform 2014 Enhancements
 Disables the ability to paste spot elevations into a Sketch mode.
 Improves stability when using Results and Compare for Energy Analysis.
 Improves stability when exporting to AutoCAD 2000 DWG format.
 Improves Online Help experience by properly redirecting help inquiries to Autodesk Help.
 Improves stability when enabling Sun Path.
 Improves graphic display of Analytical Model Walls.
 Improves data integrity of user defined parameters when utilizing temporary view templates.
 Improves stability when editing dimensions.
 Improves upgrade reliability of projects created with a different language version of Revit.
 Improves stability when selecting materials within the Material Browser.
 Restores the appearance of area color fills within linked files, when setting the view as By Linked View.
 Improves stability when upgrading projects which utilize Keynotes.
 Improves stability when importing IFC files.
 Improves stability when editing Filters within the Visibility/Graphics Overrides dialog.
 Improves stability when saving projects which were upgraded.
 Improves stability when combining Phases.
 Improves accuracy of Analytical Volumes.
 Improves display of Imported Categories for DWG files linked into the project using the “Current View Only” option at time of import.
 Improves stability when attempting to turn on sun path while temporary view properties mode is active.
 Improves data integrity when export model to FBX.
 Improves display of hidden lines on walls in Floor Plan and Elevation views.

Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2014 Enhancements
 Improves the visual fidelity of point clouds in MEP discipline views in regards to underlay elements in the view.
 Improves connection reliability between fittings when upgrading MEP projects.
 Improves connection reliability between fittings when changing the size of MEP elements.
 Improves the data integrity of the Outside Air per Area value for a HVAC when exported to gbXML.
 Removes the “Multiple Values” values for Flow, Velocity and Friction parameters and replaces it with the highest value applied to the entire segment length.

Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2014 Enhancements
 Improves display of vertical rebar when the rebar extends past the View Range.
 Improves the location consistency of Structural beams when upgrading projects.
 Improves stability when viewing a sheet which contains Structural Reinforcement Areas.

And here are some more Autodesk updates.

  • Update 1 for Inventor 2014 Service Pack 1 - DL22436654
  • Hotfix - Custom OE derived from a simple AutoCAD entity class - DL22520257
  • Navisworks 2014 SP1 NWF Refresh Hotfix - DL22506086
  • Hotfix - Autodesk Revit LT 2013 - Spot Elevation - DL22511641
  • While installing Inventor 2013 or Inventor 2014 you might get a dialog box with a red X and the text PLACEHOLDER and the installation fails. The only solution is uninstall the the Avast software before installing Inventor. - Up and Ready

See also this recent post about Windows 8.1 and Autodesk products.

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