Wednesday, July 13, 2016

JTB World’s Text Bubble 2.6 released

JTB World's Text Bubble for AutoCAD has been updated.

This app inserts Text Bubbles at end of lines, arcs, polylines, splines and leaders or at any other location of your choice. Renumber the text bubbles quickly as needed.

Here are the news:

  • AutoCAD 2017 is supported.
  • Other minor fixes.

Free trial download is here.

The upgrade is free for customers. If purchase was done via Autodesk App Store the download is available on My Downloads page. Sign in with the same account used when purchasing.

See also our more advanced app, JTB Text Bubble Plus here. For more of JTB World’s software that you might find useful visit our software list. We also offer custom programming services and can help you with both small and large projects where we specialize on the AutoCAD and Revit platforms.

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