Tuesday, February 14, 2017

JTB DST Tool 1.2 released

JTB DST Tool can merge, purge and convert Sheet Set DST files for AutoCAD, BricsCAD and any other CAD software using Sheet Set DST files. For example AutoCAD's Sheet Set Manager (SSM) or AutoCAD Architecture's Project Navigator (PN) Sheet Set View.

  • Merge one or more sheet sets.
  • The purging is useful for IT or CAD Managers to correct performance problems with SSM Sheet Sets that started to perform badly. Sometimes the DST file can grow unreasonable large and the purging can help.
  • Convert to XML for more advanced editing and convert back to DST again.

Version 1.2 fixes a bug in trial mode, related to decimal symbol so if you tried it before and it failed give it a try again.

If you work with the Sheet Set Manager and want to edit Sheet Sets see our SSMPropEditor app or if you want to create Sheet Sets and their properties in an automated manner take a look at our JTB Sheet Set Creator.

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