Tuesday, December 8, 2020

JTB LayoutsToDwgs 2.0 AutoCAD freeware

JTB LayoutsToDwgs 2.0 adds the a new command that purges and bind xrefs before splitting out each layout to a separate drawing.

The app will save each of your layouts to a single-layout drawing. Model space is copied as is.

New drawings are named after the layouts, with a prefix and a suffix specified by you. Drawings are saved in source drawing folder.

You will be asked to use WBLOCK or SAVEAS command to proceed. Use SAVEAS command to keep current drawing properties, page setups and other settings in the new drawing(s). Use WBLOCK command for better performance.

Then, you enter a prefix and a suffix text to name target drawings. Hit enter and drawings will be created from all layouts, saved in the current folder.

Batch process multiple drawings with JTB SmartBatch.

JTB LayoutsToDwgs

Do you need it for BricsCAD, ZWCAD or any other CAD app let us know.

Monday, December 7, 2020

JTB FlexReport 2020.12.0 - monitor BricsCAD license usage and more

JTB FlexReport 2020.12.0 is now ready.

We have fixed a few things in this release.

  • JTB FlexReport Core
    • Fixed a problem where the FlexNet debug log import could fail to work.
  • JTB FlexReport Service/Client
    • Fixed another bug caused by ' character in user and host names.

See the version history for all details.

BricsCAD is among the many products JTB FlexReport can monitor usage of.

Trial is available if you want to give it a try.

If your maintenance has expired you can try the new version for a few weeks, if you want to keep using it contact us to renew the maintenance. The upgrade is free of charge for customers with active maintenance.

What is JTB FlexReport? JTB FlexReport is a license usage report tool for applications licensed using network license systems like FlexNet, IBM LUM, DSLS, SPLM, Sentinel, LM-X, RLM, EPLAN (ELM), HASP, DPT, Tebis, CodeMeter among others. Track usage over time, hours used and much more.

If you have FlexNet licenses check out our JTB FlexReport LT freeware. App for AutoCAD available.

Autodesk user? Take a look at Autodesk Network Licenses RIP, New Named User Plans and Prepare for the switch to Autodesk Named User Licenses. You may still find use for JTB FlexReport together with JTB Process Monitor.

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