Thursday, September 30, 2010

AutoCAD WS plugin for AutoCAD and more subscription packs

There are a lot of news from Autodesk. Take a look and see if you find something you find useful.

The plugin for AutoCAD WS is available to all having 2011 version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, and AutoCAD verticals and is available at and with a FAQ.

Subscription Advantage Pack for AutoCAD 2011 Products

The Autodesk® Subscription Advantage Pack for AutoCAD® 2011 products improves collaboration by extending AutoCAD® software to web and mobile platforms, and provides new tools for converting and sharing DWG™ and IGES files. 

Key features include:

  • AutoCAD® WS plug-in for AutoCAD software—View, edit, and share your DWG files seamlessly on web browsers or mobile devices.*

  • DWG conversion tool—Convert DWG files in batches to easily share newer drawings with colleagues using previous versions of the software, or quickly bring older file libraries up to date.
  • IGES import/exportImport and export IGES drawing files to share 3D content with clients, colleagues, and partners.

*The AutoCAD WS plug-in for AutoCAD software is available to all AutoCAD customers and is not exclusive to AutoCAD subscribers.

This Subscription Advantage Pack works with all 2011 AutoCAD-based products, including AutoCAD®, AutoCAD® Mechanical, AutoCAD® Architecture, AutoCAD® MEP, AutoCAD® Civil 3D®, AutoCAD® Map 3D, AutoCAD® Plant 3D, AutoCAD® P&ID, AutoCAD® Electrical, AutoCAD® ecscad, and AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software.

I’ve been trying the DWG conversion tool and found that I was not able to use it on drawings located in my document folder. I got an error like this and the only workaround is to move the files to another location first.

Conversion Errors
Unconverted files:
The files listed below could not be saved due to a sharing violation or disk write problem.

Subscription Advantage Pack for AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and AutoCAD MEP 2011

This one provides access to the Autodesk® Green Building Studio® web service for whole building energy analysis. Perform whole building analysis, optimize energy efficiency, and work toward carbon neutrality earlier in the design process by exporting AutoCAD® Architecture software files via gbXML to Autodesk Green Building Studio web-based energy analysis service. No download is required. Simply use your Subscription Center user ID and password to access Green Building Studio during the term of your Subscription.

Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011

Autodesk Revit Server Extension:
More easily collaborate on projects with geographically dispersed teams. Web-based services help keep teams coordinated as they work on a single project from separate locations.

Autodesk Revit Conceptual Energy Analysis:
Make informed early design decisions by better understanding the impact of proposed designs on sustainability. Convert concept models into energy models for analysis, and more quickly compare design options in Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2011 software.

Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011:
Extend the capabilities of Revit Architecture 2011 in key areas, including modeling, coordination, and documentation. Frame Generator Extension—More rapidly define and generate simple 3D frame models. The resulting structural elements (such as columns, beams, bracing, and purlins) are created from general frame and geometric parameters of the structure.

Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk Revit MEP 2011

Extend the capabilities of Revit MEP 2011 in key areas, including coordination and documentation.

Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk Revit Structure 2011

Extend the capabilities of Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2011 software in key areas, including structural analysis, modeling, concrete reinforcement, interoperability, and construction documentation.

  • Floor vibration analysis—Assess vibration characteristics to help meet requirements of the AISC Design Guide 11 (United States).
  • Gravity column analysis—Design steel columns based on the AISC 360-05 design code (United States).
  • SDNF import/export—Import or export SDNF file format.
  • SS3 link—Link data bidirectionally between Revit Structure and SS3 so that engineers can use structural data from SS3 to create coordinated drawings and collaborate with Autodesk® Revit® Architecture software users (Japan).
  • Member section schedule—Automatically generate member section schedules (Japan).
  • CSV element generator—Link to other structural analysis applications to automatically generate the structural model, including the rebar model, in Revit Structure using the CSV file format (Japan).

Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk Navisworks 2011

New avatars, appearance profiler add-in, and interoperability with the most current file formats help to improve communication and integration across project teams.

Key features include:

  • New avatars—Select from an extended range of third-person avatars to better explore project models and communicate stakeholder perspectives.
  • Appearance profiler add-in—Override the appearance of multiple/all objects within the model based on user-defined classifications. Color-code property information to differentiate system types and visually identify status.
  • Existing applications and formats—Keep workflows current with support for Primavera P6 v7, Google™ SketchUp™ v7, and Autodesk® Inventor® products.
  • New format­—Improve object quality and access to property information through direct file support with PTC’s Pro/ENGINEER® parametric file format.

Here are all products with recent Subscription Advantage Pack released: Autodesk 3ds Max 2011, Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011, Autodesk Maya 2011, Autodesk Revit Structure 2011, Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011, AutoCAD 2011 Products, AutoCAD MEP 2011, Autodesk Mudbox 2011, AutoCAD Architecture 2011, AutoCAD Electrical 2011, Autodesk Inventor 2011, AutoCAD Map 3D 2011, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011, Autodesk Navisworks 2011, Autodesk Revit MEP 2011, Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011, AutoCAD Mechanical 2011

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