FIND in AutoCAD 2006 now permits the wildcards * and ?.
To find these characters add a reverse quote before. `*AB matches *AB.
All characters that need a reverse quote before are:
# (Pound) that Matches any numeric digit
@ (At) that Matches any alphabetic character
. (Period) that Matches any nonalphanumeric character
* (Asterisk) that Matches any string and can be used anywhere in the search string
? (Question mark) that Matches any single character; for example, ?BC matches ABC, 3BC, and so on
~ (Tilde) that Matches anything but the pattern; for example; ~*AB*matches all strings that don't contain AB
[ ] that Matches any one of the characters enclosed; for example, [AB]C matches AC and BC
[~] that Matches any character not enclosed; for example, [~AB]C matches XC but not AC
[-] that Specifies a range for a single character; for example, [A-G]C matches AC, BC, and so on to GC, but not HC
` (Reverse quote) that Reads the next character literally; for example, `~AB matches ~AB