Thursday, August 20, 2009

AutoCAD 2010 Update 1 (AutoCAD 2010 SP1)

Update time if you are using AutoCAD 2010!

AutoCAD 2010 Update 1
AutoCAD LT 2010 Update 1

This update is only for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT and cannot be applied to vertical products that are based on AutoCAD 2010.

Installing Update 1 will increment the product version to 2, e.g., "AutoCAD 2010 - English Version 2".

Thanks to detailed information from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting (CER) Utility, problems were identified and fixed in more than 30 commands and features. – Without A Net

Updates have been made in the following commands and features:

  • 3D Navigation Tools
  • Action Recorder
  • Annotation Scaling
  • Blocks
  • Check Spelling
  • Customize User Interface (CUI)
  • Database Connectivity
  • Dimensions
  • DWF
  • Dynamic Dimensions
  • External References
  • File Navigation
  • File Save
  • Graphic System
  • Hatch
  • Image
  • Keyboard Modifiers
  • Licensing
  • Migration
  • Measure
  • Memory Handling
  • Multiline Text (mtext)
  • Object Snaps
  • Parametric Constraints
  • PDF
  • Purge
  • Plot
  • Quick Access Toolbar
  • Ribbon
  • Sheet Set Manager
  • ShowMotion
  • Visual Styles

The following defects have been fixed:

2D Drawing

  • If the PLINETYPE system variable is set to 0, STRETCH does not work as expected on arc segments of polylines.
  • When the PLINETYPE system variable is set to 0, the closing point of a polyline with segments of different widths do not display correctly.
  • If you use the JOIN command on splines, a duplicate control point is inserted.
  • When you use the JOIN command on multiple polylines, AutoCAD may crash.

3D Modeling

  • When you open a drawing that contains solids, some solids display briefly and then disappear.
  • If a grip on a mesh face, edge, or vertex is highlighted and you use the ViewCube, AutoCAD crashes.

3D Navigation Tools

  • When you use the 3DORBIT command, you cannot orbit correctly. You can only orbit around a single pivot point and you cannot orbit around a specific object in a large group of objects.

Action Recorder

  • An Action Recorder macro created in AutoCAD 2009 may fail to run in AutoCAD 2010.

Annotation Scaling

  • When there are xrefs in a drawing, changing annotation scales takes a long time.
  • When an annotative style multiline text (mtext) is rotated or surrounded by a hatch, the boundary box does not display correctly.


  • When you turn off the display of an attribute with a visibility parameter in a dynamic block, the Enhanced Attribute Editor lists attribute prompts incorrectly.
  • You cannot copy an object from an AutoCAD 2009 drawing and paste it as a block into an AutoCAD 2010 drawing.
  • You cannot use the Properties palette to set the value of a action parameter to 0.
  • When you delete a constraint parameter from a dynamic block, AutoCAD may crash.
  • You cannot stretch some dynamic blocks as expected.

Check Spelling

  • When you run spellcheck on uppercase words, AutoCAD may crash.


  • When you save a workspace, if the Enterprise CUIx file is read-only, AutoCAD crashes.
  • Toolbar flyouts close unexpectedly.

Data Extraction

  • When you use Data Extraction to extract the value of a block's multiline attribute into a table, text formatting code displays in the table.

DGN Support

  • When a DGN file is imported, some attributes are missing.

Digital Signature

  • When you open a drawing, the Invalid signature dialog box may display even if the digital signature is valid.


  • You cannot create an angular dimension between two lines in different XY planes.


  • When the background color in AutoCAD is black, some DWF underlays do not display correctly.

Dynamic Dimensions

  • When you use the COPYBASE command with Dynamic Input on, AutoCAD crashes.

Export Layout

  • When you use the EXPORTLAYOUT command on files in which Standard styles have been renamed, AutoCAD crashes.

External References

  • You may not be able to bind multiple xrefs that include nested xrefs.

File Open

  • When you try to open a drawing file from a FTP site, AutoCAD may crash.

Find and Replace

  • If you use Find and Replace, autonumbering is deleted.

General UI

  • On the status bar, the model or paperspace button may be missing, even after you have repeatedly turned it on.

Graphic System

  • When the background color is changed in an active paperspace viewport, the cursor disappears.
  • After you plot a drawing in AutoCAD, if you lock Microsoft Windows and then unlock it, AutoCAD may crash.


  • When you turn off the current layer while grip editing a hatch boundary, AutoCAD crashes.
  • When the UCSVP system variable is set to 0, hatched objects align with the WCS rather than the UCS.
  • When you grip edit a hatch with an elliptical boundary, AutoCAD crashes.


  • When you attach some TIFF images, AutoCAD crashes.
  • TIFF images may not display correctly.

Inquiry Tools

  • The AREA command fails on some polylines.

Keyboard Modifiers

  • When temporary overrides are enabled, keyboard input using the Shift key may not display on the command line.


  • Xrefs on locked layers do not display faded as expected. The LAYLOCKFADECTL system variable fails to alter them.
  • When you delete a certain layer, all layers may be deleted.
  • On the ribbon, the Layer drop-down does not display layers based on the current layer filter.


  • When you set your system time back more than 2 days, your license is broken.
  • When you use a proxy server for internet access, the License Transfer Utility fails.


  • When you have Autodesk 2009 and AutoCAD 2010 installed side-by-side, LiveUpdate does not work in AutoCAD 2009.

Measurement Tools

  • When you use the MEASUREGEOM command, the tooltip and command line results are different. The tooltip result is incorrect.
  • When you use the DIST command in model space, the results at the tooltip and the command line are different. The tooltip result is incorrect.


  • When you export certain profiles, AutoCAD crashes.
  • When you save certain profiles migrated from AutoCAD 2009, AutoCAD 2010 crashes.

Multileader (mleader)

  • When you mirror mleaders that contain blocks with multiline attributes, the mirrored attributes are incorrectly justified.


  • When you plot a drawing as a PDF file, the layer order is not alphabetized as expected.
  • When a drawing that contains layers with names that include special characters is exported as a PDF, it cannot be opened.
  • When you attach a large PDF file to your drawing, or try to attach it and then cancel the operation, performance is slow.


  • When Windows XP is set to Windows Classic theme, on any Asian language version of AutoCAD 2010, if you use the PUBLISH command, AutoCAD freezes.


  • On Windows Vista, in the Purge dialog box, when you attempt to use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple items, the first highlighted item is de-selected.


  • Calculations performed by the QUICKCALC command may be incorrect.


  • When you use the RECOVER command on a AutoCAD 2000 formatted drawing file, polylines and splines in the drawing are deleted.

Reference Edit

  • When you use the REFSET command, you can only add one instance of a block to the reference set. Other instances are rejected and an error message displays.


  • Text styles from an attached xref display in the Ribbon text style control.
  • When you switch between AutoCAD Classic and other workspaces (for example, 2D Drafting & Annotation or 3D Modeling), performance becomes slow.
  • Layers with a VP Freeze for a viewport indicate the VP Freeze status even when the viewport is not active.
  • When you click the File menu in the zero doc state, AutoCAD freezes.
  • After you unload a partial CUI file, a tab remains on the ribbon. If you click the tab, AutoCAD crashes.

Section & Flatten

  • When you section solids through API, multiple memory leaks occur.


  • The SHAREWITHSEEK command may not work if the port used to communicate with Seek is blocked by a firewall.


  • When you snap to the grid, there may be a slight offset from the grid.

Visual Lisp

  • When you use the CECOLOR system variable, the value returned by using the Getvar function is incorrect.


  • In AutoCAD 2010 German, you cannot use ribbon controls to modify coordinates.


  • With the XATTACH command, you cannot select multiple xrefs.

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