Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Autodesk and AutoCAD news

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2012 SP1 Ribbon Hotfix

This hotfix is for users that have had an AutoCAD® 2012-based products become non responsive while navigating, saving or closing a drawing file. You must install Service Pack 1 before you apply this hotfix. DL18022638

AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 Service Pack 1

Get it here: DL18021295

Autodesk Shifts Industry-Leading R&D Budget Toward the Cloud

“We are devoting a larger percentage of our R&D budget to cloud computing, with a significant portion of our new product investments going toward products that are cloud-enabled,” said Paul Sullivan, a spokesman for Autodesk. “We expect that all of our major products will be available in the cloud within the next three years.” via Bloomberg

Autodesk has still not jumped on the Windows Phone OS train. My guess is that they will if Windows succeed with it’s mobile platform during next year.

Isometric Generation in the Cloud

The AutoCAD® Isometrics WS technology preview is an Autodesk® Cloud service for creating, storing, viewing, and sharing isometric drawings. You can design and collaborate on isometrics across multiple platforms - desktop, web, and mobile devices - with full DWG™ reliability and compatibility. Simply upload PCF files from AutoCAD Plant 3D, Autodesk Inventor, or 3rd party applications, and then generate isometric drawings without running any desktop software for isometric generation. You can then easily share and view the isometrics with your colleagues through the AutoCAD WS web and mobile applications.

Network Licensing Manager on the Mac

If you are setting up a license server on the Mac for Maya or AutoCAD, it's probably best to install the Network License Manager… read about it here.

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