Thursday, April 11, 2013

SSMPropEditor 5.0 as AutoCAD app

SSMPropEditor 5.0 is now available as an AutoCAD app. SSMPropEditor is the Sheet Set Manager Properties Editor for AutoCAD based products.

SSMPropEditor 5.0 can now be downloaded and installed as an app from the Autodesk Exchange Apps site. Purchase is also available through this site as well as from JTB World’s SSMPropEditor site.

Right now I noticed that it was featured on AutoCAD 2014’s welcome page.

In AutoCAD 2014 there is also a Featured Apps tab where I found it showing up.

When installed, SSMPropEditor will show up on the Plug-ins tab.

For details about the release of SSMPropEditor 5.0 see this post here.

Visit the SSMPropEditor page for all about the product and give the free trial a try.

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