Spiro 1.1.1 has been released on Autodesk Exchange Apps and is free to download and use.
The Spiro freeware plugin can be used with Autodesk AutoCAD to create Spirograph™-like patterns. Turn your Autodesk AutoCAD-based product into an educational toy that will provide hours of fun for the whole family! How about that as a way to introduce AutoCAD as well as the joy of math for your young ones?
If you’re not familiar with what a Spirograph is, here’s what Wikipedia says: A Spirograph is a geometric drawing toy that produces mathematical roulette curves of the variety technically known as hypotrochoids and epitrochoids. It was developed by British engineer Denys Fisher and first sold in 1965.
Did you know that the ellipse may be expressed as a special case of the hypotrochoid, with R = 2r?
Did you know that the combustion chamber of the Wankel engine is an epitrochoid?
If you are interested in other (possibly more) useful AutoCAD helper functions take a look at TransTips OffsetInXref, HTools Menu for AutoCAD, UnitCAD for AutoCAD or HVACPAC. Or if you have a need for a custom built tool for AutoCAD or Revit feel free to contact us.
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