Monday, February 18, 2008

Document "drawing.dwg" has a command in progress.

Even though this Knowledge Base document Understanding the error " has a command in progress" (Update KB doc removed) says it only applies to AutoCAD 2000 and AutoCAD 2000i it can happen also in all later versions of AutoCAD even in AutoCAD 2009.

According to Autodesk support: “In most cases the error you are seeing when saving is being caused because the Design Center or another palette is still trying to do something in the software while attempting to save. I recommend making sure that all tool palettes, properties palettes, and the design center is closed by selecting the X button to close them. Normally this will resolve the issue.”

If you run into this problem you can find some helpful tips in that document. Sometimes when QSAVE does not work you can use SAVE or SAVEAS or click on the x  at the top right corner to either close the drawing or AutoCAD. I've seen this several times after using the 3dorbit command. You may also try ._QSAVE in case it has been redefined.

Document "<drive>:\<folder>\<filename>.dwg" has a command in progress.
Hit enter to cancel or [Retry]:

From TS1067466:

Command in progress message while saving a drawing


When you tried to save a drawing, you received the following command line message:

Document "<drive>:\<folder>\<filename>.dwg" has a command in progress.
Hit enter to cancel or [Retry]:


This issue can occur after you merge cells in an AutoCAD table using the "By Row" or "By Column" options on the Table toolbar.

At this point, the only way to continue is to re-save the drawing. Follow these steps:

  1. At the command prompt, enter Save.
  2. When you are prompted to replace the existing drawing, click Yes.
  3. Close, and then open the drawing.

To prevent this issue from ocurring again, table cells should be merged using the All option on either the Table toolbar or the shortcut menu.


  1. Restored comment
    Anonymous said...

    You can also use VBA temporarily.

    Hit Alt-F11 to go to VBA editor, then Ctrl-G to go to immediate window.

    Then type: ""

    Then close and re-open the doc.
    May 22, 2008

  2. I just had this problem occur in AutoCAD 2012, Saving using the Save command still allows me to save it

  3. Hi there, i just had the same error in MDT2009 while using hte PLOT command (QSAVE also triggered the error btw.)

    The issue was resolved by typing SAVE in the command prompt, save as new file, close MDT and reopen the saved file.

    Thanks a lot


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