Friday, February 6, 2009

No VBA installed with AutoCAD 2010

When you have installed AutoCAD 2010 you will probably notice that VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is not included on the DVD. Or you might try to run VBAIDE or load a DVB file.

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications software (VBA) is no longer installed with AutoCAD. For more information and free download visit:

This dialog box will show if VBA is not installed.

Soon time for VSTA (Visual Studio Tools for Applications) and this seems like Autodesk’s way to try migrate away users from VBA. Microsoft has stopped supporting VBA for some time now & it's not ported to 64-bit. Learning VBA is not the future.


  1. And have they done something about their crappy documentation for the .NET api?
    Because, if people start to move to VSTA, that's what they're going to need.

  2. I don't know yet anything about the .NET API documentation. But it is badly needed to be improved upon.

  3. > Microsoft has stopped supporting VBA for some time now...

    In fact, Microsoft has not stopped supporting VBA. Although the company announced the discontinuation of the VBA licensing program in July 2007, this does not mean that Microsoft stopped supporting VBA. As stated at that time, "Microsoft does not expect to make significant enhancements to VBA. This does not impact the current support commitments for VBA in any way, and of course, it does not impact any license arrangements that are in force. In particular, this does not impact VBA in Microsoft Office products."

    More recently, the Microsoft Excel team said in a blog post, "We understand that VBA is a critical capability for large numbers of our customers; accordingly, there is no plan to remove VBA from future versions of Excel."

    Microsoft's support lifecycle for Office 2007 extends until April 2017, therefore VBA users can expect to see Microsoft's support for VBA to continue until that date at a minimum.

  4. Thanks for the clarification. I was just taking that part from another source. It might be that VBA is not so supported for vendors like Autodesk when they develop new versions.

  5. Autocad 2010 does have VBA, you just have to install in seperately.


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