Sunday, October 31, 2010

8 levels wood buildings

Here are some pictures of Sweden’s highest new built residential buildings in wood. Walls and slabs are made of massive wood. Construction was done in a dry environment under a movable roof.

Limnologen is an eight-story building with 134 apartments, constructed using wood as the main building material.

Buildings with low energy consumption
The building is a part of the project Valle Broar, which aims to support wood-building technology and create the modern wooden city in Växjö. Limnologen is the first high building in Sweden whose construction is based on wood and has been conducted and evaluated in close collaboration with leading experts in wood building, who are active at universities within Sweden and abroad.

Environmental benefits
Wood buildings have many environmental benefits. The material is responsible for low carbon emissions during production and sequesters carbon during its lifetime. Producing wood is energy efficient, does not tear on finite resources and in addition wood buildings consume less energy than other types of buildings during their lifetime. The building only consumes 65 kWh per square meter and year. Wood buildings, in particular the ones that have a high level of pre-fabrication, are flexible and it is possible to recycle building elements. In the end of the lifecycle the material does not need to be deposited, but can be combusted and converted to heat and electricity. To the environmental benefits come other desirable attributes, such as it being highly fireproof and creating a good working environment. ref.

More pictures of Limnologen at Midroc Property Development as well as at Linnéuniversitetet here and much more here.

Friday, October 29, 2010

AreaText.lsp updated for 64-bit AutoCAD

The freeware AutoLISP AreaText.lsp has been updated to run on 64-bit AutoCAD as well.

On the x64 platform, creating a Field expression from lisp (or VB) requires that you use the 64-bit ObjectID as a string so the source code had to be updated accordingly using this function I got from ADN:

(defun Get-ObjectIDx64 (obj / util) (setq util (vla-get-Utility (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (if (= (type obj) 'ENAME)(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj))) (if (= (type obj) 'VLA-OBJECT) (if (> (vl-string-search "x64" (getvar "platform")) 0) (vlax-invoke-method util "GetObjectIdString" obj :vlax-False) (rtos (vla-get-objectid obj) 2 0) ) ) )
Now just load AreaText.lsp using APPLOAD and run the command AT, select a polyline and specify where you want the text and you can get a result like this:

If you want other units or formats or scaling of the text see the post Customize AreaText.LSP for AutoCAD.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Asynchrony Await and the Async CTP

More Asynchrony in programming to look forward to. And for users it means more responsive and quicker applications.

Async CTP introduces a new keyword await, which indicates that the caller would like control to return when an asynchronous method call has completed. And the Async modifier does not create additional threads.

public async Task<int> SumPageSizesAsync(IList<Uri> uris) { int total = 0; foreach (var uri in uris) { statusText.Text = string.Format("Found {0} bytes ...", total); var data = await new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri); total += data.Length; } statusText.Text = string.Format("Found {0} bytes total", total); return total; }

Public Async Function SumPageSizesAsync(uris As IList(Of Uri)) As Task(Of Integer) Dim total As Integer = 0 For Each uri In uris statusText.Text = String.Format("Found {0} bytes ...", total) Dim data = Await New WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri) total += data.Length Next statusText.Text = String.Format("Found {0} bytes total", total) Return total End Function

Making Asynchronous Programming Easy

Asynchrony in C# 5, Part One

Announcing the Async CTP for Visual Basic (and also Iterators!)

The async CTP homepage:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

McAfee and Autodesk products performance issues and solution

It is not the first time anti-virus software is in conflict with products on your computer. This time it affects AutoCAD 2011, AutoCAD Architecture 2011, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011, AutoCAD ecscad 2011, AutoCAD Electrical 2011, AutoCAD LT 2011, AutoCAD Map 3D 2011, AutoCAD Mechanical 2011, AutoCAD MEP 2011, AutoCAD P&ID 2011, AutoCAD Plant 3D 2011, AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2011, Autodesk 3ds Max 2011, Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011, Autodesk Inventor 2011, Autodesk Inventor Factory Advanced 2011, Autodesk Inventor Factory Premium 2011, Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011, Autodesk Revit MEP 2011, Autodesk Revit Structure 2011.


You are experiencing performance issues with Autodesk products on systems where McAfee anti-virus software is installed and active.  These performance issues may include sluggish response times within the product and slow refresh of the UI.

This issue is being researched but preliminary findings indicate this problem may be due to a conflict between Autodesk products and McAfee anti-virus products.  Customers have reported the following problem behaviors:

  • McAfee products appear to misidentify DWF as a threat.
  • With the on-access scanning technology enabled, there can be a slow response time due to the McAfee product actively scanning Autodesk files.
  • McAfee products appear to spend a long time examining Autodesk installer files, which can impact overall computer performance. It also appears to misidentify the installer files as corrupted.
  • When attempting to browse to a directory that contains a zip archive, chm file, or installer, the explorer window freezes and there is a delay before it will display the contents of the directory.
  • With McAfee enable, opening a CHM file can take as long as ten minutes to display and the application interface will appear frozen during this time.

To reduce the impact of the anti-virus software on Autodesk product performance, please try the following steps:

  1. Create an exception in McAfee for the DWF extension located in c:\program files\common files\autodesk shared\dwf common\dwfshellextension.dll
  2. Configure McAfee to exclude the file types used by your Autodesk application (e.g. DWG, IPT, MAX, etc.)
  3. Configure McAfee to exclude the Autodesk installer files on your computer, e.g., Autodesk_Revit_Architecture_2010_English_Win_32bit.exe,
    Autodesk_3ds_Max_Design_2010_English_WIN_32_64.exe, etc.
    Alternatively, you can delete these files, if you no longer need the installers.
  4. Configure McAfee to exclude the CHM file type to allow the Help files to open normally.

Note: For best performance, please verify that your hardware configuration is better than or equal to the minimum system requirements and install the qualified video driver for your graphics card and operating system. Please refer to the system requirements and hardware qualifications page for the Autodesk product you have installed for more detailed information.

Knowledge Base document: 2011: Performance issues caused by McAfee anti-virus software

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Building materials made of corn stover

I found this green product interesting and with a lot of potential.

CornBoard™ is a version of wood composite board that uses corn husks and stalks (commonly referred to as corn stover) remaining in the field after corn is harvested. The structural composite is prepared by mixing the fibrous corn component with a polymer matrix, laminating the mixture, and applying heat and pressure.

In contrast to traditional particle board, plywood, or medium-density fiberboard, CornBoard™ developed at CBMI will be repurposing an underutilized biomass material.  For every acre of corn grown, (over 86 million acres are grown annually in the U.S), over 4,000 pounds of corn stover is left in the field.  Appropriating this biomass material into new and innovative products is an efficient and environmentally conscious means of stewardship.

CornBoard™ is a green technology in that it traps CO2. Typically, when biomass is left to decompose in the field, the CO2 previously captured and consumed by the growing plant is released back into the atmosphere. Conversely, when the corn stover is made into CornBoard™, the CO2 is “trapped” in the material. Sequestering CO2 in CornBoard™ alleviates the contribution of the decomposing biomass towards an increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.

CornBoard™ also provides an alternative to wood products, thereby reducing the demand on a less renewable resource. According to CBMI, just 2 acres of leftover corn stover biomass would produce enough CornBoard™ to build a two story house supplying the roof decking, flooring, and outer wall sheathing. CBMI uses a non-toxic resin binder in CornBoard™ production.  This method is a safer and more environmentally conscious choice than a traditional formaldehyde-base binder.

CBMI can produce CornBoard™ in varying densities, allowing for a variety of applications. Due to this flexibility, CornBoard™ is not limited to being a wood composite board replacement, but is also being developed into a variety of products including home and lawn furniture, kitchen cabinets, door cores, and even a full line of longboards.

Via Illinois’ Technology Basis for Unique and Versatile Corn-Based Structural Composite and more at the Corn Board Manufacturing website.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Notice of Intellectual Property-Trademark Name Scam

Don’t be worried if you get an email like this. Just ignore it. It is a scam.


Dear Manager,

We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On October,18th,2010, We received HUAXIA Company's application that they are registering the name "jtbworld" as their Internet Trademark and "","" ,""domain names etc.,It is China and ASIA domain names.But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so I am sending you this Email to check.According to the principle in China,your company is the owner of the trademark,In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you!

Kind regards

Angela Zhang

Shanghai Office (Head Office)
Registration Department Manager 
3002, Nanhai Building 854.Nandan Road   
Xuhui District, Shanghai
Anhui Office
Office:  +86 0553 4994789
Fax:     +86 0553 4994789

Here I later found someone doing a bit of research on this scam. Apparently this is quite an old scam and as it still is going on it must mean many are caught by it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Smite and Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program

This is the car Smite and the company Vehiconomics is a new company in the Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program. Smite is a conceptual energy efficient city car and maybe we one day can see it in Stockholm and other cities.

Smite was invented to meet the needs of urban passengers. To substitute substances of concern with safer alternatives, the team behind Smite set out to create a vehicle that encapsulated all of that. A Smite chassis weighs only 35 kg.


The Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program supports early-stage clean technology companies by providing design and engineering software that accelerates their development of solutions to the world's most pressing environmental challenges.

This is from the Swedish press release:

Nyligen tecknade sig företaget Vehiconomics för deltagande med sin satsning på en helt ny typ av fordon för stadstrafik och pendling.

Vehiconomics är ett nischat utvecklingsbolag som under tre år arbetat med konceptet för det nya fordonet, som kallas Smite och byggs specifikt för stadstrafik. I januari 2010 presenterades konceptet och den första prototypen. Företaget utvecklar i egen regi, men drar också till stora delar nytta av andra företags upparbetade expertis i täta samarbeten – ett arbetssätt som är vanligt i cleantechföretag och som Vehiconomics utnyttjar tillfullo.
-    Konceptet är egentligen självklart, säger grundaren Håkan G. Lutz.
-    Fordon måste vara små och lätta för att fungera i moderna städer, med moderna energikrav. Det tar vi fasta på i utvecklingen av Smite. 


Friday, October 15, 2010

AutoCAD 2011 for Mac is here

AutoCAD for Mac is now available to purchase, as free trial to download and free* educational licenses to students and educators.

Here is from the press release Autodesk Brings AutoCAD Back to the Mac:

Styles&Wood, the UK’s leading provider of property services to retailers, banks and commercial organizations, is one of the more than 5,000 participants who were part of the AutoCAD for Mac beta program. “We have been waiting a long time for AutoCAD to come back to the Mac,” said Andrew Handley, CAD development manager. “Our experience has been that AutoCAD for Mac is similar enough to the PC version that the transition is easy. We’ve found it to be a very powerful and reliable product that has all the functionality we need.”

AutoCAD for Mac has an intuitive interface that will feel familiar to Mac users and takes full advantage of Mac OS X, including graphical browsing of design files with Cover Flow and use of Multi-Touch gestures for pan and zoom on Mac notebooks, Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad. With native creation and editing of files in the DWG file format, AutoCAD for Mac also supports easy collaboration with suppliers, customers, clients and partners regardless of platform. AutoCAD for Mac is also integrated with AutoCAD WS, so users can also upload and manage designs in their online workspace directly from the desktop and easily edit and share those designs through a web browser or Apple iOS devices using the free* AutoCAD WS mobile application.

AutoCAD for Mac is also now available for free* to students and educators through the Autodesk Education Community, where more than 25 Autodesk software products are available for download to inspire learning and help prepare students for successful careers. Recognizing the popularity of the Mac platform among students, Autodesk is providing AutoCAD for Mac so they can build skills by having access to the same software that design professionals use every day.

AutoCAD for Mac is now available for purchase in English in North America and Europe from leading resellers, online retailers and For details, purchase options or to download the free 30-day trial, visit Students and educators are also eligible to purchase commercial seats of AutoCAD for Mac at a substantial discount. For more information and to download the free* education version, visit

Some FAQ:

1. How is AutoCAD 2011 for Mac software similar to AutoCAD 2011 software?
AutoCAD® for Mac® software includes familiar AutoCAD® capabilities like 2D and 3D design tools, including 3D free-form modeling capabilities; 3D visualization and rendering; advanced customization of the menu, as well as support for LISP and ObjectARX®/DBX applications; and more. AutoCAD for Mac creates files in the same native DWG™ file format as AutoCAD.

AutoCAD for Mac 20112. How is AutoCAD 2011 for Mac different from AutoCAD 2011?
A primary difference is in the user interface. AutoCAD 2011 for Mac has been designed to follow common native Mac application user interface guidelines. Instead of a ribbon, AutoCAD 2011 for Mac has the familiar Apple menu bar and a number of workflow-based palettes. AutoCAD for Mac also supports native Mac OS® X behavior, such as Cover Flow navigation and Multi-Touch gestures.

The most commonly used functionality of AutoCAD is included in AutoCAD for Mac. However, there are a few commands that are not included in this first release, including layer filters, layer groups, and layer states; Sheet Set Manager; and DGN, PDF, and DWF™ underlay support.

3. Can I transfer my AutoCAD license between platforms (from AutoCAD to AutoCAD for Mac, and vice versa)?
AutoCAD and AutoCAD for Mac are licensed separately. You can transfer your AutoCAD 2011 license to a license for AutoCAD 2011 for Mac, or vice versa, by contacting your local reseller and paying a platform exchange fee. You can also upgrade from a previous version of AutoCAD to AutoCAD 2011 for Mac.

4. Can I open and save DWG files created in previous versions of AutoCAD in AutoCAD 2011 for Mac?
AutoCAD 2011 for Mac reads DWG files from the following previous versions of AutoCAD software: AutoCAD Release 14, 2000, 2004, 2007, and 2010. AutoCAD 2011 for Mac has a built-in Save As function, so you can save drawings to and from AutoCAD releases using the AutoCAD Release 14, 2000, 2004, 2007, and 2010 DWG format(s). In addition, you can use the Save As AutoCAD Release 12 DXF™ command to support drawings to and from releases prior to AutoCAD Release 14.

4. Does AutoCAD 2011 for Mac support network licensing?
The first release of AutoCAD 2011 for Mac does not support network licensing.

5. Do third-party applications based on previous Windows versions of AutoCAD software work with AutoCAD 2011 for Mac software?
You can create custom scripts, linetypes, hatch patterns, and command aliases, as well as AutoLISP® and ObjectARX applications, in AutoCAD 2011 for Mac.

Most LISP routines that work in AutoCAD 2011 will run without modification in AutoCAD 2011 for Mac. LISP routines that are dependent upon DCL or COM interfaces such as VLA or VLAX are not supported in AutoCAD 2011 for Mac. Technologies specific to Windows®, such as Visual Basic for Applications, OLE objects, and Windows Media® Audio, are not supported in AutoCAD 2011 for Mac.

Existing ObjectARX applications will require some effort on the behalf of the developer to work in AutoCAD for Mac. At a minimum, ObjectARX applications need to be recompiled for Mac OS X. The API (application programming interface) libraries used by those applications, and the availability of those libraries on Mac OS X, will give some indication of the modification necessary for the application to work in AutoCAD 2011 for Mac. For example, the ObjectARX sample applications compile without modification. Conversely, an application making multiple win32 system calls will need to be modified.

*Free products are subject to the terms and conditions of the end-user license agreement that accompanies download of the software. The software is for personal use for education purposes and is not intended for classroom or lab use.

Previous post when AutoCAD for Mac OS X was announced.

AutoCAD for Mac on JTB World with more information.


Today is Blog Action Day 2010 and this years topic is Water.

“Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. That’s one in eight of us. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of diseases and kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.”

I came to think about Solvatten that I hope can come to use.

Solvatten (Sun Water in Swedish) is a household water treatment unit. The portable 10 liter container is a patented and scientifically proven Swedish invention.


The product’s functionality is based on three well-documented methods for treating water – filtration, heat pasteurisation and UV-disinfection (SODIS - solar water disinfection that even can be done with a PET bottle). Put Solvatten in a sunny place, give it 2-6 hours and the water will be drinkable. An indicator shows when it is safe to drink. Solvatten can also be used as a solar water heater, providing hot water for cooking and hygiene. This can be done twice, sometimes three times a day, producing 20-30 liters.

Where can Solvatten be used?

In countries with a lot of sunshine but not necessarily warm weather. In mountain areas as well as lowlands.  In cooler countries (e.g. Sweden) on sunny days in spring and summer.

How much freshwater is there?

Click to enlage

Thursday, October 14, 2010

AutoCAD Advanced training video

If you look for AutoCAD training take a look at AutoCAD Advanced Techniques training video by Brian Benton. You find Brian’s blog at and here is what he says about the video:

Any AutoCAD user that wants to take their skills to the next level will be interested in this new title.

This title contains ten hours of training time over 112 lessons.  Many of the chapters have a project for you to complete after you have gone through that training segment.  The title comes with all of the AutoCAD files that you will need for the sessions as well as other support files.

AutoCAD Advanced training video

To find out more or purchase visit AutoCAD Advanced Techniques training video.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cadalyst Launches Webcast Series with an Edge

I wanted to share the following as it might interest you.

Tune into the live premiere presentation on October 14 to learn
how ‘going green’ can fuel product innovation and increase revenue.

WHAT: On the Edge with Cadalyst #1:
Overcoming Environmental Performance Anxiety

Cadalyst magazine is launching a new webcast series, On the Edge with Cadalyst.

This new series will bring together designers, engineers, managers, executives, industry analysts, and hardware and software developers alike to exchange information, ask tough questions and tackle issues that stand in the way of progress.

The first episode, featuring a distinguished panel of experts, will focus on “Overcoming Environmental Performance Anxiety,” a discussion that will embody the webcast series’ ambitions of bringing a new point-of-view to the important issues facing the CAD and PLM worlds.

WHEN: Thursday, October 14 at 12 p.m. ET, 9 a.m. PT, 16:00 GMT

WHERE: Register for this webcast at

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Designers, engineers, project managers, CAD and PLM users, engineering managers and executives, and anyone else involved in product design, development and/or manufacturing.

More details:

It’s time to stop making excuses. Environmental performance is the newest criteria for product development. It’s what your customers want. And it’s a real money-maker. To be green while making more green, product development organizations must operationalize greener product design. That means getting your hands on new knowledge, processes and tools. But how can you make environmental performance a fundamental part of your product development efforts?

Join Cadalyst editor-in-chief Nancy Johnson and a panelist of experts for a spirited discussion of these topics. There will be plenty of time for attendees to interact with the panel.

  Welcome and introduction, Nancy Johnson, editor-in-chief, Cadalyst magazine
•   John Davies, Vice President, GreenBiz Intelligence, Greener World Media
•   Stephen B. Leonard, Design & Innovation Practice Leader, Alcoa Technical Center
•   Sridhar Condoor, Ph.D. Professor, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, KEEN Fellow, Saint Louis University
•   Manish Mehta, Ph.D. Executive Director of Industry Forums and Technologies Research Corporation, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS)
Live Q&A

Via Cadalyst Edge

10MW offshore wind turbine

This is a bit old news but I thought it was interesting in several ways. This is Arup’s Aerogenerator X visualized by architects Grimshaw. The diameter is 274 meters and an innovative design and construction that can generate 10MW and new versions in the future possibly up to 20MW.

"In order to reduce the fatigue stress, the blade sections and thicknesses are increased which further increases the blade self-weight. These issues continue throughout the device. Drive-train mountings must be stiff enough to support the heavier components inside the nacelle on top of the tower, otherwise the systems can become misaligned and the support structure is also exposed to extremely large dynamic thrust and bending stresses, which are amplified significantly with any increase in water depth".

The innnovative design is the conclusion of an 18-month feasibility study called the NOVA project undertaken by Cranfield University, QinetiQ, Strathclyde University, Sheffield University and Wind Power Limited supported by consultant engineers and project managers. The NOVA feasibility project was funded by the Energy Technologies Institute, a public private partnership comprising BP, Caterpillar, EDF, E.ON, Rolls-Royce, Shell, BP, EDF, EON, Caterpillar, the UK Government and Wind Power Limited.

More at Arup.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10/10/10 10:10:10

I found Sean Burke’s post 10/10/10: “the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything” and was able to post this in time so you all can look at your clock and marvel how it turns to the date 10/10/10 and maybe even at the time 10:10:10.

The other day I was thinking of the number 51 and how it is a natural number that is the product of two prime numbers just like 10 is. I then tried to figure out some other numbers and came to a number sequence like this 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 46, 49, 51. It was first today when I clicked the Wikipedia link for 42 (that is in binary 101010) in his post and then navigated around that it hit me that this type of number is a Semiprime. I knew the meaning of it and have even been using it in programming but seem to have forgot the name “Semiprime” describing these numbers.

Semiprimes are used for cryptography and other areas. It is a fact that finding two large primes and multiplying them together is simple, but finding the original factors is very difficult or take a very long time.

That is how much geek I am.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Plansatz-Manager Eigenschaftseditor 4.1.1 (SSMPropEditor)

SSMPropEditor has been updated to 4.1.1 with German translation and some bug fixes. If you have 4.1 installed, make sure to install 4.1.1. If you have an older version give the new features a try. See SSMPropEditor 4.1 released – Sheet Set Manager complement for the new features.

Foxit PDF Reader 4.2

Foxit PDF Reader is a small, fast, and feature rich PDF viewer for Microsoft Windows, which allows you to open, view, and print any PDF file. Foxit PDF Reader is secure, offering 3-three levels of PDF viewing security to protect against malicious PDF files. The following is a list of exciting new features in Foxit Reader 4.2.

Verify the digital signature
Foxit Reader 4.2 now features a PDF digital signature verification technology which uses an enhanced, yet ISO 32000 compliant, verification process that ensures the signature is real and neither the document nor the signature have been compromised. This new verification process provides a secure and reliable platform for exchanging electronics documents without putting the user at risk from falsified documents.

Enhance security with ASLR & DEP support
Foxit Reader 4.2 continues to add features that increase security by making it harder for hackers to compromise a PDF document. The current version of the reader includes Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR, which uses a random algorithm to determine a memory address used to store key file data. A second security feature is Data Execution Prevention, DEP, which simply prevents executing code from a non-executable memory location. ASLR and DEP combine to highly improve Foxit Reader Security and provide a stable platform for enterprise, business and consumer, Foxit Reader users.
Just update your Foxit Reader from Brothersoft!

Repost from: Foxit PDF Reader Update to Version 4.2

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Automate installation of DWG TrueView 2011

You find some tips from a pro in the post Packaging DWG TrueView 2011 on how to handle the installation of DWG TrueView.

And I have an old post Silent installation of Autodesk DWG TrueView that I’m not sure how valid it is by now.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

WebP vs JPEG vs JPEG 2000 vs JPEG XR

Image compression is on the news again and this time it is Google behind it trying to dethrone the lossy format JPEG. Google does not mention JPEG XR (aka Windows Media Photo and HD Photo and with file extension .WDP or .JXR) that is natively supported by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9. JPEG XR still have not gained any real usage after several years. Could it be licensing issues behind it. Let’s wait a few years and see if Google can get JPEG replaced. In near future WebP will be supported by Google’s Chrome browser and all of this .

compression vs alt

WebP is a method of lossy compression that can be used on photographic images. The degree of compression is adjustable so a user can choose the trade-off between file size and image quality. WebP typically achieves an average of 39% more compression than JPEG and JPEG 2000, without loss of image quality. Alpha channel support is planned for.


I wish that a future Windows Live Writer had a choice to optimize the image when publishing so you could chose the best format for the purpose. Something like this already exists in Microsoft Expression Web.

Another wish is that Snagit could respect the image format setting when copying directly to clipboard or the preview editor. Now all is PNG.

Below is one JPEG XR image that should be possible to view in IE9.

Update. The first image below cannot be viewed in the first public IE9 beta for some reason even though it can be seen in Windows 7. It might have to do with some that it was saved with a quite old HD Photo plugin for Paint.NET.


So I added one that works for sure in IE9 beta.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Windows Live Writer 2011 reviewed

Windows Live Writer 2011 is now released (Build 15.4.3502.922) as part of the Windows Live Essentials 2011. It is quite a change as the Ribbon has been added and it takes some initial time to find where everything is located. The categories and post date are also relocated to below the Ribbon instead of at the bottom.

Finding the New posts, Open local draft, Open recent posts and some more features are available on the application menu and are not as easily accessible as before. One extra click is needed.

At least it is possible to customize the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) to have quicker access to for example New post and Open. You can also add any command that is on the ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar by right clicking on the button and selecting "Add to Quick Access Toolbar."

Home tab.


Insert tab.


Blog Account tab.


Contextual tab when formatting a picture.


Contextual tab when formatting a video.


In Aaron’s Live Writer Blog post What has changed since the Beta refresh for Windows Live Writer 2011? we can learn about some other changes and news.

  • Better support for Japanese IME
  • Improved SEO
  • Multi-language User Interface support (MUI)
  • Aspect ratio support for Videos
  • Improved support for Specific blog servers
  • is now the default for creating new blogs via Live Writer
  • “No” tags are now stripped from Web Preview
  • Improved encoding support
  • Copy/Paste Improvements

Still there are problems using WLW 2011 together with IE9 beta as described in Windows Live Writer 2011 beta and IE9 beta test because the problem is with Internet Explorer 9 beta and needs to be fixed.

Something I wish for is that it would be possible to select multiple images and changing the properties of them.

Alternate text and title text for images should not be a dialog box I think. These two properties should be available directly on the Ribbon for quicker access. It should also be possible to save as default if you want to have one or both of them empty.

Open old posts in Windows Live Writer works great also with WLW 2011.

Some of the latest blog posts

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