Monday, August 1, 2011

JTB FlexReport LT – freeware for FlexNet HTML reports

JTB FlexReport LT 1.0 is now released. JTB FlexReport LT is a freeware product from JTB World to create HTML reports on current usage of FlexNet/FLEXlm licenses.

Screenshots from a sample HTML report. All users using a license will be listed, when the license was checked out and how many hours it has been used.

The aggregated list sums up multiple license servers and gives an overview of the features (applications/modules/packages), number of licenses issued, in use and available.

Click here to see a sample HTML report.

This YouTube video shows JTB FlexReport LT in action.

For historic reports, chart reports, support for other licensing systems and much more see the full JTB FlexReport product.


  1. "I'm immediately putting it to use as I can now query every server with the click of one button instead of using multiple scripts for each server. Here's how it works. ... JTB FlexReport LT is a very versatile tool in itself and quickly provides you a snapshot of what is going on with your licenses at any given moment. As it's free, I'd highly recommend you take a look at it if you use network licenses." - See the complete product review at Steve Bennett's blog Adventures in the World of BIM.

  2. "Jimmy Bergmark has released a snazzy freeware report generator for capturing FlexNet/FLEXlm license use. Run the app, click once to search for license servers and again to get a nicely formatted HTML report of current servers, license and user allocation. You can save the server search results making future reports just a click away."

    See the complete product review at Robin Capper's blog.


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