Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blogger New Comment Moderation Email Bug

For blogs on Google Blogger (blogspot) the optional moderation emails with new comments used to allow to “Publish”, “Delete” or “Mark as spam” as well as “Moderate comments for this blog”.

But since around a day ago only “Moderate comments for this blog” link is in these emails making it very hard to use as this link does not end up on the comment in question but just shows the Awaiting moderation list.

This must be a bug or bad decision by Google that needs to be restored. Not that I have that many comments but I can imagine the pain for bloggers with 10 or 100 comments per day. Do you have this problem?

UPDATE: 2012-04-15, problem solved. 2012-04-17, problem is back again. It took until 20012-05-29 and the problem is solved again.


  1. I'm having this problem plus some comments are getting "lost."

  2. Test to see if it now works.

  3. Yep. That was an annoying bug. I'm glad they fixed it.

  4. Mine is still doing this - can you let me know how you resolved this???

  5. I just noticed that it's broken again for me too.

  6. It worked for awhile and now it's back to a several step process - annoying and actually hard to perform on the iPhone.


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