Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Autodesk Revit LT

Just like with AutoCAD there is AutoCAD LT, there will be a Revit LT with lower price than Revit but limited functionality. Take a look and see if it may be relevant for you.

Here’s some info about the upcoming Autodesk Revit LT 2013.

Revit LT could help to make the move to BIM.
The features in Autodesk Revit LT are specifically built to support Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflows for high-quality design and documentation. Use the intuitive 3D modeling tools to visualize and communicate your designs more clearly, and meet the demand for BIM deliverables. And create photorealistic 3D architectural renderings in the cloud with Autodesk 360 Rendering, available with Autodesk Subscription.

How does Revit LT support the BIM process?
Revit LT supports the BIM process by creating coordinated, consistent, and quantifiable information about a building project throughout design and construction. BIM helps give design professionals insight to their projects with the ability to keep design information upto-date, and extract information from the building model during any stage of design. This insight helps professionals design more efficiently, obtain earlier approvals, and deliver higher quality, more easily constructible projects with fewer complications during the construction process.  

Who is Revit LT for?
Revit LT is intended for building design professionals working on projects that can be completed independently or with limited internal collaboration but could benefit from a BIM-based workflow to produce more accurate, coordinated designs and documentation. Revit LT is ideal for single users who do not need to collaborate in the same project file simultaneously with others in the firm, and who do not need access to energy or structural analysis tools. 

What is AutoCAD Revit LT Suite 2013 software?
AutoCAD Revit LT Suite 2013 is a bundle consisting of Autodesk Revit LT 2013 and AutoCAD LT 2013 software with a single serial number and a single authorization code. This combination enables you to maintain your investment in AutoCAD LT, while, when you’re ready, offering the flexibility to move to BIM with help from Revit LT.

What are the differences between Autodesk Revit and Revit LT?
Autodesk Revit LT contains a subset of the features in the Autodesk Revit software, available in Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium and Ultimate editions. A basic summary of additional functionality included in Autodesk Revit is below:

Included in Revit LT: Single, Coordinated Model, Autodesk 360 Rendering, Intelligent (Parametric) Components

Not included in Revit LT: Worksharing (Multiuser Environment),Autodesk 360 Energy Analysis for Autodesk Revit, Near-Photorealistic Rendering within the Product, Conceptual Massing, Adaptive Components, Exports to gbXML, and  IFC file format, Interference Checking, Copy/Monitor, Construction Modeling - Parts and Assemblies and Autodesk Revit LT does not support 3rd party API.

Autodesk Revit LT 2013 stand alone price will be $1200 (MSRP in USD) and the AutoCAD Revit LT Suite 2013 will be $1500 (MSRP USD). You can save up to 50% when you upgrade from AutoCAD LT to AutoCAD Revit LT Suite.

Sounds interesting? If so visit September 18, 2012 the 30 day trial for Autodesk Revit LT will be available and to purchase it you also have to wait a while more.

  • Launch Territories: North America, Northern Europe, UK, Central Europe, and Japan
  • Launch Languages: English, German, Japanese

The old Project Spark Technology Preview (pre-Revit LT) is still available on Autodesk Labs at:

1 comment:

  1. drafting servicesSeptember 11, 2012

    In my opinion this is another step by Autodesk to try to lure their existing AutoCAD LT customers to start moving to BIM.
    As far as I know, AutoCAD has to most users of any Autodesk product, and within AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT has many more users than the full AutoCAD program.
    So there are millions of users who are possible candidates for an upgrade from 2D CAD to BIM.
    But on the flip side it would be very handful for solo professionals and small firms...


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