Do you have a touchpad and look for how to change settings and cannot find them? I was wondering how to disable the edge swipe from the right gesture that opens up the Charms bar in Windows 8.1.
First thing is that this gesture is no Windows 8.1 function. It is something that comes with the touchpad driver.
By default not all options for Elan Smart-Pad might show up. It might be limited to only a few and I could not find anything. If you have another driver the Right Edge Swipe might be available too.
But there is a solution how to show everything. Note that not all options might work with the laptop or machine you’re using and that might be the reason they are invisible by default. I found however that several of the hidden options did work on my machine.
First merge this SmartPadDisplayActivateAllOptions.reg file by double click on the file and accept the questions.
You can also open up the Registry Editor and go to:
There set value data to 1 on all value names and they will be enabled and show up.
Then open up Mouse Properties and on the ELAN tab click on Options to see the Elan Smart-Pad Options.
If the ELAN tab is missing in Mouse Properties the Options can be accessed by double clicking on the Display Icon or running "C:\Program Files\Elantech\ETDAniConf.exe". This seems to happen in Windows 10.
Now all options will be seen.
All One-finger options: Tapping, Clicking, Button, Drag and Drop, Edge Scroll, Edge Zoon, Edge Swipe, Corner Tap Zone and Edge Swipe.
Multi-finger options: Zooming, Clicking, Scrolling, Rotation, Edge Swipe, Swipe Page, Fast Keys, Three-Finger Press, Three finger swipe, Four finger swipe, Magnifier Glass and Grab.
Additional options: PalmTracking, Sensitivity, Smart Motion, Slow Motion, Inertia, SmarArea, TP Rejection, Device Control, Gesture Effect, Free Typing and Multi-Finger Function.
I find that Slow Motion is great to use when there is a need to move the cursor with better precision.
After having edited the options and closed the window only the default options will be seen again so if you want to see all options repeat the registry hack again.
Change DisableShowGestureCursorIcon in these Registry locations to switch between “Display Dynamic Icon” set to 0 and “Display Static Icon” set to 1.