Monday, March 28, 2016

JTB FlexReport LT 1.3 freeware for FlexNet usage report

JTB FlexReport LT 1.3 has been released. This is a freeware by JTB World that creates nice looking HTML reports of current FlexNet network license usage. It is not limited to Autodesk features, but works with any vendor using FlexNet for their products.

Here’s what’s new in version 1.3:

  • Fixed issue with having the app centered when started
  • Fixed random crashes while closing the app
  • Added support as an app for AutoCAD® 2017

JTB FlexReport LT 1.3

Either you can download it from our website here or from Autodesk Exchange Apps.

For historic reports, chart reports, support for other licensing systems and much more see the full JTB FlexReport product.

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