Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Silent installation of Autodesk DWF Composer

I got a question on how to deploy DWF Composer. Here is what I do. To install DWF Composer with a click on a button create a VBScript. Then you can just send a link to the file to the users. Open Notepad and enter the following code and save the file with the vbs file extension.
on error resume next
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
runstring="msiexec /I ""\\server\Autodesk DWF Composer\SetupDWFComposer.msi"" /qb!  " & _
WshShell.Run runstring,1,true
You have to correct the path to the msi file as well as change the serial number. If you want you can add a row in the end of the file to tell that it is ready.
msgbox "Installation ready."
For complete options to use with msiexec command, see

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