Friday, November 21, 2008

Small Basic - for kids or if you want to learn programming

I started programming on Sinclair ZX81 with a built in Sinclair BASIC interpreter in the early 80:ies and think it is great to see a brand new, simple and free programming language and IDE.

Visit Small Basic to download it and for more information.

Small Basic

Small Basic starts with a really simple programming language that gathers inspiration from the original BASIC language.  It has no more than 15 keywords and is strictly imperative.  There are no classes, scopes, generics, lambdas, etc. - just pure imperative code.  The language is typeless and all variables are dynamic and global all the time.  The code gets compiled to IL and runs on the .Net Framework.

It comes with a set of libraries that can be accessed from within a Small Basic program.  Since the language itself is .Net based, new libraries can be created or the existing libraries modified using any .Net programming language.

Next, it combines the features of the language and the libraries into a very simple and friendly programming environment.  This environment gives beginners, access to professional features like Intellisense(TM) and Instant context sensitive help.  It makes writing programs and executing them a breeze.

Small Basic blog

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