Friday, January 23, 2009

AutoCAD Bonus Packs not for the verticals…yet

Let’s wish and hope that future AutoCAD Bonus Packs also will work with verticals like AutoCAD Architecture, Civil 3D, etc. Let Autodesk know about your wish through blogs, news groups, MyFeedback and so on.

As to the Bonus Packs for AutoCAD 2009 vertical users need to wait for their AutoCAD 2010 based product.

Knowledge Base document: Installing AutoCAD Bonus Pack on AutoCAD vertical products

Here are previous posts on AutoCAD 2009 Bonus Pack 1, Bonus Pack 2 and Bonus Pack 3.

1 comment:

  1. My response from AutoDesk maybe says a lot of why they don't work:


    Thank you for your inquiry.

    I am trying to better understand you problem and see whether I can be of help.

    I can see that you are now using AutoCAD Mechanical and that you are saying that you cannot apply the bonus packs to it.

    What application did you have before and who made the adjustment?

    What bonus packs are you looking for?

    Looking forward hearing from you.

    Best Wishes,



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