Some sample AutoCAD Sheet Set Manager (SSM) code for VBA that might help along the way. I don't remember if they worked or not.
' This will set all empty values to chr(160) in the active sheet set.
Sub EmptyAllSheetValuesToEmpty()
Dim i As Integer
i = SheetSetsOpen
If i > 1 Then
MsgBox "More than one Sheet Set are open. Make sure only one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
ElseIf i = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set is open. Make sure one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
If ssm Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 1", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
If dbIter Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 2", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the Database of the first sheetset
Set db = dbIter.Next
If db Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set open", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the sheetset
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
If ss Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot get the Sheet Set", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set oSheetIter = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then
End If
' lock the database
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then
db.LockDb db
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sMachineName As String
db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName
MsgBox "The Sheet Set is locked by " & sUserName & " at " & sMachineName, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print db.GetFileName
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum)
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print comp.GetName & "," & comp.GetDesc
On Error GoTo 0
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Dim s As AcSmSheet
Set s = comp
Dim propIter As IAcSmEnumProperty
Set propIter = comp.GetCustomPropertyBag.GetPropertyEnumerator
Dim propname As String
Dim propval As AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Do While True
Set propval = Nothing
propname = ""
propIter.Next propname, propval
If propname = "" Then Exit Do
If Not IsEmpty(propval) And Not IsObject(propval) Then
If propval.GetFlags = CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP Then
If IsEmpty(propval.GetValue) Then
Dim oProjNum As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
oProjNum.InitNew comp
oProjNum.SetFlags PropFlag
oProjNum.SetValue Chr(160)
comp.GetCustomPropertyBag.SetProperty propname, oProjNum
Set oProjNum = Nothing
End If
End If
End If
' if the componnet is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
' This works on Sheet Set level. Not on Sheet level
' It iterates through the Custom Properties
Private Sub GetCustSheetProp()
Dim oSSM As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim oSheetSetDb As AcSmDatabase
Dim oSheetSet As AcSmSheetSet
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If oSSM Is Nothing Then
End If
Set dbIter = oSSM.GetDatabaseEnumerator
If dbIter Is Nothing Then
End If
'get the Database of the first sheetset
Set db = dbIter.Next
If db Is Nothing Then
End If
'get the sheetset
Set oSheetSet = db.GetSheetSet
If oSheetSet Is Nothing Then
End If
Set oSheetIter = oSheetSet.GetSheetEnumerator
If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then
End If
'lock db
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then
db.LockDb db
End If
Debug.Print oSheetSet.GetName
Debug.Print oSheetSet.GetDesc
Dim propIter As IAcSmEnumProperty
Set propIter = oSheetSet.GetCustomPropertyBag.GetPropertyEnumerator
Dim propname As String
Dim propval As AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Do While True
Set propval = Nothing
propname = ""
propIter.Next propname, propval
Set propval = Nothing
Set propval = oSheetSet.GetCustomPropertyBag.GetProperty(propname)
Debug.Print "Sheet Set Property: " & propname & " : " & propval.GetValue
If propname = "" Then Exit Do
If Not IsEmpty(propval) And Not IsObject(propval) Then
If propval.GetFlags = CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP Then
Debug.Print "Sheet Property: " & propname & " : " & propval.GetValue
' remove 01-Document Number
If propval.GetValue = "01-Document Number" Then
Dim oProp2 As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Set oProp2 = Nothing
oProp2.InitNew comp
oProp2.SetFlags PropFlag
oProp2.SetValue Null
' Remove this property by setting it to Null
comp.GetCustomPropertyBag.SetProperty "01-Document Number", oProp2
Set oProp2 = Nothing
End If
End If
End If
GoSub Cleanup
Exit Sub
db.UnlockDb db
Set oSheetSet = Nothing
Set oSheetSetDb = Nothing
GoSub Cleanup
End Sub
' Add a new Sheet Set property to all sheets in the current Sheet Set
Sub AddSheetSetProperty()
Dim i As Integer
i = SheetSetsOpen
If i > 1 Then
MsgBox "More than one Sheet Set are open. Make sure only one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
ElseIf i = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set is open. Make sure one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
If ssm Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 1", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
If dbIter Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 2", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the Database of the first sheetset
Set db = dbIter.Next
If db Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set open", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the sheetset
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
If ss Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot get the Sheet Set", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set oSheetIter = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then
End If
' lock the database
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then
db.LockDb db
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sMachineName As String
db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName
MsgBox "The Sheet Set is locked by " & sUserName & " at " & sMachineName, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print db.GetFileName
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum)
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print comp.GetName & "," & comp.GetDesc
On Error GoTo 0
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Dim oProp As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
oProp.InitNew comp
oProp.SetFlags PropFlag
oProp.SetValue Chr(160)
comp.GetCustomPropertyBag.SetProperty "04-Doc Description", oProp
Set oProp = Nothing
' if the componnet is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
' Rename Sheet Set property to all sheets in the current Sheet Set
Sub unlockss()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Sub RenameSheetSetProperty()
Dim i As Integer
i = SheetSetsOpen
If i > 1 Then
MsgBox "More than one Sheet Set are open. Make sure only one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
ElseIf i = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set is open. Make sure one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
If ssm Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 1", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
If dbIter Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 2", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the Database of the first sheetset
Set db = dbIter.Next
If db Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set open", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the sheetset
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
If ss Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot get the Sheet Set", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set oSheetIter = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then
End If
' lock the database
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then
db.LockDb db
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sMachineName As String
db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName
MsgBox "The Sheet Set is locked by " & sUserName & " at " & sMachineName, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print db.GetFileName
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum)
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print comp.GetName & "," & comp.GetDesc
On Error GoTo 0
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Dim propval As AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Set propval = Nothing
Set propval = comp.GetCustomPropertyBag.GetProperty("04-Document Subtitle")
sOld = propval.GetValue
Set propval = Nothing
Dim oProp As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
oProp.InitNew comp
oProp.SetFlags PropFlag
oProp.SetValue sOld
comp.GetCustomPropertyBag.SetProperty "04-Doc Subtitle", oProp
Set oProp = Nothing
' if the componnet is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
Dim propvalue As String
Dim propname As String
Sub unlockdbnow()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Sub CheckAndCorrectSSProperties()
propvalue = "0"
propname = "10-Last Revision GNETA"
Dim i As Integer
i = SheetSetsOpen
If i > 1 Then
MsgBox "More than one Sheet Set are open. Make sure only one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
ElseIf i = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set is open. Make sure one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
If ssm Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 1", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
If dbIter Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 2", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the Database of the first sheetset
Set db = dbIter.Next
If db Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set open", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the sheetset
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
If ss Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot get the Sheet Set", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set oSheetIter = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then
End If
' lock the database
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then
db.LockDb db
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sMachineName As String
db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName
MsgBox "The Sheet Set is locked by " & sUserName & " at " & sMachineName, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print db.GetFileName
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum)
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Dim s As AcSmSheet
Set s = comp
Dim propval1 As AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Dim prop1 As String
Set propval1 = Nothing
Set propval1 = s.GetCustomPropertyBag.GetProperty(propname)
If propval1 Is Nothing Then
' The property doesn't exist
Exit Sub
End If
Set propval1 = Nothing
Dim propval As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Dim bag As IAcSmCustomPropertyBag
Set bag = s.GetCustomPropertyBag
propval.InitNew bag
propval.SetFlags PropFlag
propval.SetValue propvalue
bag.SetProperty propname, propval
Set propval = Nothing
' if the component is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
' This will check the active sheet set.
' "Sheet number" is overriding the "01-Document Number"
' "Sheet title" is overriding the "03-Document Title"
Sub CheckAndCorrectSSProperties()
Dim i As Integer
i = SheetSetsOpen
If i > 1 Then
MsgBox "More than one Sheet Set are open. Make sure only one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
ElseIf i = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set is open. Make sure one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
If ssm Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 1", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
If dbIter Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 2", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the Database of the first sheetset
Set db = dbIter.Next
If db Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set open", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the sheetset
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
If ss Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot get the Sheet Set", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set oSheetIter = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then
End If
' lock the database
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then
db.LockDb db
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sMachineName As String
db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName
MsgBox "The Sheet Set is locked by " & sUserName & " at " & sMachineName, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print db.GetFileName
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum)
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Dim s As AcSmSheet
Set s = comp
Dim sNumber As String
Dim sTitle As String
sNumber = s.GetNumber
sTitle = s.GetTitle
If sNumber = "" Then sNumber = Chr(160)
If sTitle = "" Then sTitle = Chr(160)
Dim propval As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Dim bag As IAcSmCustomPropertyBag
Set bag = s.GetCustomPropertyBag
propval.InitNew bag
propval.SetFlags PropFlag
propval.SetValue sNumber
bag.SetProperty "01-Document Number", propval
Set propval = Nothing
Set bag = s.GetCustomPropertyBag
propval.InitNew bag
propval.SetFlags PropFlag
propval.SetValue sTitle
bag.SetProperty "03-Document Title", propval
Set propval = Nothing
' if the component is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
Private Function GetDictXrecValue(DictName As String, XrecName As String)
On Error GoTo err_label
Dim oDict As AcadDictionary
Dim oXRec As AcadXRecord
Dim dxfCode, dxfData
Set oDict = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.item(DictName)
Set oXRec = oDict.item(XrecName)
oXRec.GetXRecordData dxfCode, dxfData
GetDictXrecValue = dxfData(0)
Exit Function
GetDictXrecValue = Null
End Function
Private Function GetCurrentSheetDwgName() As String
On Error Resume Next
GetCurrentSheetDwgName = GetDictXrecValue("AcSheetSetData", "SheetDwgName")
End Function
Private Function GetCurrentLayoutName() As String
On Error Resume Next
GetCurrentLayoutName = GetDictXrecValue("AcSheetSetData", "LayoutName")
End Function
Private Function GetShSetFileName() As String
On Error Resume Next
GetShSetFileName = GetDictXrecValue("AcSheetSetData", "ShSetFileName")
End Function
Public Function SheetDwgNameOK() As Boolean
SheetDwgNameOK = (UCase(ThisDrawing.FullName) = UCase(GetCurrentSheetDwgName))
End Function
Private Sub test()
Debug.Print GetCurrentLayoutName
Debug.Print GetCurrentSheetDwgName
Debug.Print SheetDwgNameOK
Debug.Print GetShSetFileName
End Sub
Public Sub WriteXRec()
Dim oDict As AcadDictionary
Dim oXRec As AcadXRecord
Dim dxfCode(0 To 1) As Integer
Dim dxfData(0 To 1)
Set oDict = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.Add("SampleTest")
Set oXRec = oDict.AddXRecord("Record1")
dxfCode(0) = 1: dxfData(0) = "First Value"
dxfCode(1) = 2: dxfData(1) = "Second Value"
oXRec.SetXRecordData dxfCode, dxfData
End Sub
Public Sub ReadXRec()
Dim oDict As AcadDictionary
Dim oXRec As AcadXRecord
Dim dxfCode, dxfData
Set oDict = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.item("SampleTest")
Set oXRec = oDict.item("Record1")
oXRec.GetXRecordData dxfCode, dxfData
Debug.Print dxfData(0) & vbCrLf & dxfData(1)
End Sub
Sub TestNotWorking()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Dim ss2 As AcSmSheetSet
Dim oSheetIter As IAcSmEnumComponent
Set ss2 = ssm.GetParentSheetSet(ThisDrawing.FullName,, ss)
Debug.Print ss.GetName
Set ss = Nothing
Set ss2 = Nothing
Set ssm = Nothing
End Sub
' Delete Sheet Set property to all sheets in the current Sheet Set
Sub unlockss()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Sub DeleteSheetSetProperty()
Dim i As Integer
i = SheetSetsOpen
If i > 1 Then
MsgBox "More than one Sheet Set are open. Make sure only one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
ElseIf i = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set is open. Make sure one is open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
If ssm Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 1", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
If dbIter Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Something wrong here: 2", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the Database of the first sheetset
Set db = dbIter.Next
If db Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Sheet Set open", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'get the sheetset
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
If ss Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot get the Sheet Set", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set oSheetIter = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then
End If
' lock the database
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then
db.LockDb db
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sMachineName As String
db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName
MsgBox "The Sheet Set is locked by " & sUserName & " at " & sMachineName, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum)
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Debug.Print comp.GetName & "," & comp.GetDesc
Dim oProp2 As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
oProp2.InitNew comp
oProp2.SetFlags PropFlag
oProp2.SetValue Null
' Remove this property by setting it to Null
comp.GetCustomPropertyBag.SetProperty "01-Document Number", oProp2
Set oProp2 = Nothing
' if the componnet is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
Public Function SheetSetsOpen() As Integer
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As AcSmDatabase
Dim i As Integer
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
i = 0
Do While Not db Is Nothing
i = i + 1
Set db = Nothing
Set db = dbIter.Next
SheetSetsOpen = i
End Function
' List the Sheet Selections that exists in the current Sheet Set
Sub ListSheetSelections()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As AcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Dim sheetSelSet As IAcSmSheetSelSet
Dim sheetSelSetsEnum As IAcSmEnumSheetSelSet
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
Set sheetSelSetsEnum = ss.GetSheetSelSets.GetEnumerator
Set sheetSelSet = sheetSelSetsEnum.Next
Do While Not sheetSelSet Is Nothing
Debug.Print sheetSelSet.GetName
Set sheetSelSet = Nothing
Set sheetSelSet = sheetSelSetsEnum.Next
End Sub
' List the Sheet Selections that exists in the current Sheet Set and the Sheets and Subsets
Sub ListSheetSelectionsAndContent()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As AcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Dim sheetSelSet As IAcSmSheetSelSet
Dim sheetSelSetsEnum As IAcSmEnumSheetSelSet
Dim sheetSelSetEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
Dim item As IAcSmPersist
Dim oSubSet As AcSmSubset
Dim oSheet As AcSmSheet
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
Set sheetSelSetsEnum = ss.GetSheetSelSets.GetEnumerator
Set sheetSelSet = sheetSelSetsEnum.Next
Do While Not sheetSelSet Is Nothing
Debug.Print "Sheet Selection: " & sheetSelSet.GetName
Set sheetSelSetEnum = sheetSelSet.GetEnumerator
Set item = sheetSelSetEnum.Next
Do While Not item Is Nothing
If item.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Set oSubSet = item
Debug.Print " Subset: " & oSubSet.GetName
ElseIf item.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Set oSheet = item
Debug.Print " Sheet: " & oSheet.GetName
End If
Set item = Nothing
Set item = sheetSelSetEnum.Next
Set sheetSelSet = Nothing
Set sheetSelSet = sheetSelSetsEnum.Next
End Sub
' List the Sheet Selections that exists in the current Sheet Set and the Sheets and Subsets
' It also list the sheets that are in the subsets
Sub ListSheetSelectionsAndContent2()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As AcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Dim sheetSelSet As IAcSmSheetSelSet
Dim sheetSelSetsEnum As IAcSmEnumSheetSelSet
Dim sheetSelSetEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
Dim item As IAcSmPersist
Dim oSubSet As AcSmSubset
Dim oSheet As AcSmSheet
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
db.LockDb db
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
Set sheetSelSetsEnum = ss.GetSheetSelSets.GetEnumerator
Set sheetSelSet = sheetSelSetsEnum.Next
Do While Not sheetSelSet Is Nothing
Debug.Print "Sheet Selection: " & sheetSelSet.GetName
If sheetSelSet.GetName = "SCRIPT" Then
Set sheetSelSetEnum = sheetSelSet.GetEnumerator
Set item = sheetSelSetEnum.Next
Do While Not item Is Nothing
If item.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Set oSubSet = item
Debug.Print " Subset: " & oSubSet.GetName
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = oSubSet.GetSheetEnumerator
LoopThroughSheets compEnum
ElseIf item.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Set oSheet = item
Debug.Print " Sheet: " & oSheet.GetName
ChangeProperties "17-Approved", "JIMMY BERGMARK", oSheet
End If
Set item = Nothing
Set item = sheetSelSetEnum.Next
End If
Set sheetSelSet = Nothing
Set sheetSelSet = sheetSelSetsEnum.Next
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Dim s As AcSmSheet
Set s = comp
Debug.Print " Sheet: " & s.GetName
ChangeProperties "17-Approved", "JIMMY BERGMARK", s
' Debug.Print s.GetLayout.GetFileName
' if the componnet is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeProperties(sProperty As String, sValue As String, ByVal oSheet As AcSmSheet)
Dim propval As New AcSmCustomPropertyValue
Dim bag As IAcSmCustomPropertyBag
Set bag = oSheet.GetCustomPropertyBag
propval.InitNew bag
propval.SetFlags PropFlag
propval.SetValue sValue
bag.SetProperty sProperty, propval
Set propval = Nothing
Set bag = Nothing
End Sub
Dim ssm As ACSMCOMPONENTS16Lib.AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim db As AcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Sub changeNameNumber()
Set ssm = CreateObject("AcSmComponents.AcSmSheetSetMgr")
' open the database
Set db = ssm.OpenDatabase("C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2005\Sample\Sheet Sets\Architectural\IRD Addition.dst", True)
' lock the database
Call db.LockDb(db)
' get the sheetset
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent
' get component enumerator
Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator
Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum)
' unlock the database
Call db.UnlockDb(db, True)
' close
Call ssm.Close(db)
End Sub
Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent)
Dim comp As IAcSmComponent
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
' loop through till the component is Nothing
Do While Not comp Is Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print comp.GetName & "," & comp.GetDesc
On Error GoTo 0
' if the component is a sheet, then...
If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
Dim s As AcSmSheet
Set s = comp
' set the new number
s.SetNumber "0000"
' set the new name
s.SetTitle "MySheet"
' if the componnet is a subset then ...
ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
Dim sset As AcSmSubset
Set sset = comp
' loop through all the sheets.
Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator)
End If
' next
Set comp = compEnum.Next()
End Sub
' Show who is locking the Sheet Set
' Doesn't seem to work because when db is nothing it is locked and it cannot get the lock owner info
Sub WhoIsLocking()
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As AcSmDatabase
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sMachineName As String
Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator
Set db = dbIter.Next
Do While Not db Is Nothing
Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus
lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus
If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_Locked_Remote Then
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Dim ssn As String
Set ss = db.GetSheetSet
ssn = ss.GetName
db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName
MsgBox "The Sheet Set '" & ssn & "' is locked by " & sUserName & " at " & sMachineName, vbExclamation
End If
Debug.Print db.GetFileName
Set db = Nothing
Set db = dbIter.Next
Set dbIter = Nothing
End Sub
Restored comment
ReplyDeleteChristopherF said...
Thanks JTB. I think this will really help me out.
April 24, 2006
You code has been a great help. However, I am really frustrated that I can see sheet properties 'revision number' 'revision date' 'purpose', set them interactively and have matching mtext fields in the titleblock update automatically, but I can't get them from the sheet set object in VB. They aren't custom properties and there doesn't seem to be any property or method for retrieving them.
Stephen, I don't have time to look if there is a way to do it but if you find a way please add a comment on it.
ReplyDeleteI know there are ways to do it as I have solved it for my SSMPropEditor product.